Telekom Srbija presents “For My City” digital platform  

In cooperation with the municipalities of Mali Iđoš and Apatin, the Telekom Srbija company presented the digital platform called “For My City”, which it developed in order to allow the local self-governments in Serbia to along with the citizens create better living conditions in their communities. The platform consists of the mobile and web applications, the functions of which were demonstrated exactly in these two municipalities that became the first users.     

“Telekom Srbija, as a leader of digital transformation in our country, tries to be a reliable partner of the institutions and the economy in this process. Since communications, i.e. the provision of seamless and diverse communications services lies at the centre of our operations, it is only logical that our company should offer a comprehensive solution for an easier and more direct cooperation between the citizens and municipalities, exactly in the part where this cooperation is both necessary and mutually beneficial”, said the CEO of Telekom Srbija, Vladimir Lučić.

Expressing her satisfaction at the fact that Apatin was among the first users of the platform, the president of the municipality, Dubravka Korać, especially thanked Telekom Srbija for its support, as well as the citizens who have already helped with the better organization of life in this community by their proposals.

“We are honoured to be among the first municipalities using the “For My City” platform, which will allow us to improve and additionally enhance Apatin. The best results are achieved when we work together on their achievement and this digital service helps us do so. This is why I would like to invite all citizens of the municipality to actively contribute to improving the functioning of the municipal services and institutions”, said Dubravka Korać.

The president of the Mali Iđoš municipality, Marko Lazić, thanked Telekom Srbija for its partnership and the opportunity to make this municipality one of the first service users.  
“The Mali Iđoš municipality extends over several villages and this service will make it possible for our fellow citizens to inform us about the possible problems or opportunities for further development of our community. Since we try to be a reliable service for our fellow citizens, we thus get a chance to prove it, almost in real time. I believe that in this way we gain their trust and also encourage them to actively participate in improving the living conditions in our community”, added Marko Lazić.
Apart from Mali Iđoš and Apatin, where the platform is available in the Hungarian and Serbian languages, other interested local self-governments can become users of the service offering the municipalities and cities the possibility to, in cooperation with citizens, work on creating safer conditions in a school environment (the Školarac module), resolving communal problems (the Komunalac module), improving the transport network (the Saobraćajac model) and better organizing the activities in the tourism domain (the Visitor module).
The mobile application is easy to use and the citizens can download it free of charge from the Google Play and App Store platforms. Upon downloading and running the application, the users choose one or several modules within which they can send they own proposal for improving the living conditions in their community and the work of the local government authorities.