Best season on Superstar channel Blog, Content business 10.10.2024. Telekom Srbija company marks beginning of new TV season
Panel discussion “Children’s World Is Bigger than the Screen” in Niš Blog, Content business 18.06.2024. A fourth in a row panel discussion dubbed “Children’s World Is Bigger than the Screen”, organized by the Telekom Srbija company, was held on Saturday at the Grand Hall of the National Theatre in Niš.
Telekom Srbija’s project “Children’s World Is Bigger than the Screen” in Kragujevac Blog, Content business 10.06.2024. Telekom holds third panel discussion on early and excessive exposure of children to screens
Telekom Srbija continues project dubbed “Children’s World Is Bigger than Screen” Blog, Content business 28.05.2024. A second panel discussion on early and excessive exposure of children to screens held in Novi Sad
MTEL Turkey premieres film entitled Nedelja (Sunday) in Istanbul Blog, Content business 20.05.2024. From Dorćol to Istanbul – the film premiers for Turkish audiences as well