Telekom Srbija wins Charter of Gratitude

The Director of the Regional Talent Centre Belgrade 2, Nikola Srzentić, thanked Telekom Srbija for its long-standing support and said that in the course of the current year alone, students of the Centre had achieved incredible success by winning 62 medals and rankings at the following events: the International Conference of Young Scientists, World Olympiad of Sustainable Development and Environmental Protection, International Conference of Young Social Scientists, STEM International Olympiad, I-fest² – the International Festival of Engineering Science and Technology, National Geography Olympiad, Competition of research studies of secondary school students and Competition of talents and primary and secondary school students.

On behalf of Telekom Srbija, the Charter of Gratitude for the support and assistance in the implementation of the Centre’s programme activities was received by Jelena Đondović, corporate philanthropy manager, who presented the most successful students with medals and diplomas.

The Regional Talent Centre is an institution of general social interest that implements incentive programmes and programmes for the development of scientific and research creativity of young people in the sphere of natural, social, technical and other sciences.