At this year’s twelfth consecutive international drama and series festival – FEDIS, the films and series produced by Telekom Srbija won as many as nine prestigious awards, including the Gold Antenna (Zlatna antena), i.e. the award for the best series, the popular “Black Wedding” (“Crna svadba”).
Apart from the best series that marked the previous year, a large number of famous actors, authors of the local and regional series content, as well as other workers in the sphere of culture, were shown new projects that the audiences would be able to see in the forthcoming period.
The continuity of receiving a large number of serious awards is proof that year after year Telekom Srbija creates quality content tailored to the tastes of the audience. We are very proud of every recognition which encourages us to continue pushing the boundaries in the production of films and series, said Jasmina Lakobrija, the manager of the production section of Telekom Srbija and a participant in one of the most interesting discussion panels at this year’s festival, “the Regional Screen”.
Apart from the best series award, “The Black Wedding” also received awards in the Best Music, Editing and Photography categories that Igor Marović was responsible for. Of the other series from the production of Telekom Srbija, outstanding was the series “Block 27” (“Blok 27”), which received the best director award. The award for the best female act was granted to Sonja Kolačarić, for her role in “Swamp 2” (“Močvara 2”), two roles by Nebojša Dugalić in the “Civil Servant” (“Državni službenik“) and “Time of Evil” series were declared as the best male act, while the best young actor award was granted to Sara Simović, for her role in the latest episode of ”My Father’s Murderers” (“Ubice moga oca 5”) series. The best acting couple according to the audience’s vote was granted to the tandem from “The Singer” (“Pevačica“) series, Milica Pavlović and Miloš Timotijević.
The Telekom Srbija company used the opportunity to present a very exciting television season 2022/2023 on Superstar, where premiere broadcasts of the series “The Clan 3”(“Klan 3”), “The Well”(“Bunar”), “The Fall”(“Pad”), “Walking with a Lion”(“Šetnja sa lavom”) and other exclusive content are expected during the autumn and winter.