Telekom Srbija presents new projects at Sarajevo film festival

Internationalization and breaking into new markets continue to be among the Serbian company’s priorities.

Sarajevo, 14 August 2023 – This year too, Telekom Srbija, a leader in the production of series and films in this part of Europe, has taken part in the regional Sarajevo Film Festival presenting its new projects to experts, a great many actors, filmmakers and film critics. Twelve series from Telekom Srbija’s production were included in the selection for this year’s Heart of Sarajevo award.

The announcement of new brilliant projects, which will be available to both TV viewers and cinema-goers, was more than interesting. The Chief Officer of the Telekom Srbija Multimedia Division, Aleksandra Martinović , announced sequels to popular series and new productions which were yet to elicit public attention. They include the following series: “ Crna svadba 2” (Black Wedding 2), “ Apsolutnih 100” (Absolute Hundred), and “ Vazdušni most” (Air Bridge)which has its film version entitled “ Heroji Halijarda” ( Heroes of Halyard).

This is yet another proof that with its investments in the production of feature content, Telekom Srbija is completely expanding the reach of cinematography in the region. In the sphere of production, our company keeps abreast of international standards and that is why this year is particularly important for us as it focuses on further internationalization of content, the first such cooperation to be established with ‘Amazon Prime Video’ production in the making of the project entitled “Scar”. I am using this opportunity to thank all the partners for our joint projects whereby we succeeded in bringing the attention to the Adria region as the next big production destination”, said the Chief Officer of the Telekom Srbija Multimedia Division Aleksandra Martinović.

At this year’s Sarajevo Film Festival, previewed were the series entitled “ Azbuka naših života 2” (The Alphabet of our Lives 2), produced in cooperation with Contrast Studio , “Poseta” (Visit), made in cooperation with the MirMedia production house, and “ Frust” in the executive production of Firefly.

The presentation of a number of new projects at this year’s Sarajevo Film festival testifies to the quality of Telekom Srbija’s production activities, whereby it is further encouraged to continue its mission of internationalising its series and films. The local and regional markets have long been conquered, yet apart from maintaining a presence in the Balkans, Austria, Switzerland and Germany, it also aspires towards the US market. Telekom Srbija’s projects are currently being distributed on five continents and millions of satisfied viewers are an additional incentive for the Company to continue to invest in the production of new content and popularization of local cinematography across the world.