mts – the most reliable mobile network in Serbia!

For a third year in a row, mts has been recognized for its high-quality network and can now take pride in the title Most Reliable Network in Serbia, awarded by the German Company NET CHECK according to their benchmark rating.

After this eminent company dealing with the comparative analysis of mobile networks carried out extensive research and measurements in the field, the results once again showed an exceptional quality of mobile services in the mts network throughout Serbia.  

The measurement that showed that mts is the most reliable mobile network in Serbia focuses on voice and internet traffic, and out of a total of 1000 points, mts won as many as 945,94. When it comes to voice traffic, mts won 328,92 points out of a total of 350 points, while 617.02 points were won for internet traffic out of a possible 650 points.

Expressing his satisfaction and pride with the first place, Telekom Srbija Technical Chief Officer Đorđe Marović emphasized the importance of teamwork, commitment and expertise of the employees, without which it would not be possible to achieve such results and added: “This first place is important to us primarily because of the awareness that we provide services of the highest reliability and quality to our users. They are the ones who give meaning to our work, because no one builds a network for the sake of a network, but to make people’s lives in the modern world easier, more beautiful and more fun. On the other hand, the fact that in the last three years we have been awarded as a result of the NET CHECK measurements, clearly shows that we are ready for new challenges and that all current and future mts users will be the first in Serbia to enjoy great performances of the new generation mobile network”.

NET CHECK is a German company whose expertise includes testing the quality of mobile networks throughout Europe, with an emphasis on the markets of Austria, Germany and Switzerland. In its research, the company combines engineering expertise and rigorous statistical methods.

“The ranking is based on the NET CHECK benchmarking methodology, which focuses on evaluating the end-user experience. We assessed service accessibility, retainability, network quality, and performance. The certificate as Most Reliable Network is a testimony to the consistently reliable performance that Telekom Srbija provides to its customers in essential voice and data services.” said Detlef Zernick, the CEO of NET CHECK.

The official NET CHECK survey of mobile networks was conducted during the months of May, June and July 2023. The measurement was carried out in four large, eight medium and 27 small cities, while testing during driving was carried out for 119 hours on city roads and 65 hours on local roads. The detailed report can be found here: