NET CHECK presents results of measurement for 2025 confirming high quality of mts mobile network

CTO NET CHECK uručuje plaketu CTO Telekoma Srbija za najbolju mobilnu mrežu
In a comparative analysis by the German company NET CHECK, mts has once again confirmed its leading position in Serbia, having been declared the best mobile network based on all measured parameters. The in-depth and extensive analyses and measurements conducted by this company, which specializes in mobile network benchmarking, in February confirmed the almost impeccable level of mobile services in the mts network across Serbia.Based on the comparative analysis, the results obtained demonstrated that mts is the best mobile network in Serbia in the domain of voice and internet traffic.
Out of a maximum of 1,000 points, mts scored a total of 932 (931.99) points in the measurements, including 331.67 points (out of a possible 350) in the voice traffic segment, as well as 600.31 points (out of a maximum of 650) when measuring internet traffic performances. 

CTO Telekoma Srbija Đorđe Marović sa plaketom za najbolju mrežu 2025


“We express our satisfaction with the achieved results and welcome the commitment of our employees who have contributed to MTS continuously achieving the best results in comparative measurements of mobile network quality in Serbia,” Telekom Srbija said.


Priznanje NET CHECK dodeljeno mts za najbolju mobilnu mrežu 2025


The results were obtained after measurements conducted by NET CHECK in February in four large cities, seven medium-sized and 28 smaller towns for a period of 132 hours, as well as 56 hours of measurements while driving along local roads.

NET CHECK is a German company that conducts mobile network quality tests across Europe, with a focus on the markets of Austria, Germany and Switzerland. In its research, the company combines engineering expertise and precise statistical methods.
A detailed report is available at the link.