Telekom Srbija awards prize for best work from New Media Department of FFA for seventh consecutive time

For a seventh time in a row, Telekom Srbija has awarded the prize for the best student work from the New Media Department of the Faculty of Fine Arts. Against the background of stiff competition, a panel of judges decided that the prize be equitably shared by Saša Pavlović for her work entitled “12 June – 8 December” and Ivanja Todorović for his work entitled “GSP”.

The panel of judges comprising Maja Ćirić, an art historian, dr Mariela Cvetić, an artist and regular professor at the Faculty of Architecture, and artist Uroš Đurić said in their rationale that the awarded works exemplified exceptional authenticity and conceptual persuasivenness, and added that with their intermedia artistic process, they represented a sublimation of reality, its limitations and gaps.

Saša Pavlović, a third-year student, said that Telekom Srbija’s prize encouraged her to continue to pursue art and attested to the possibilty of her further development. Ivanja Todorović, a freshman, whose work is actually a music album he recorded with street musicians at a public transport line, said that the prize was the first recognition for his student piece and that he would use part of the funds he received for producing fresh works.

The annual exhibition of works by students of the Faculty of Fine Arts – laureates and the award ceremony rallied numerous representatives of the artistic community, students and professors, including the dean of the Faculty of Fine Arts, Radoš Antonijević.

The Telekom Srbija prize is awarded for a seventh consecutive time and represents a recognition for exceptional achievements in the field of new media. The Company continues to aid the Faculty of Fine Arts and young artists, offering them the opportunity to demonstrate their creativity and skills, and encouraging them to further explore and develop in this sphere of contemporary art.