Telekom Srbija among winners of global SAS Hakaton

Recognition to Telekom for its project in the communications and new media category

SAS, the leader in artificial intelligence and analytics, has announced the winners of SAS Hakatonin 23 regional, industrial, technological and special categories for 2023. The contestants included companies, universities, government organizations and SAS partners from across the world.

Hakaton, which lasts one month, rallied contestants that had applied technology to find solutions to business and humanitarian issues in the real world. More than 100 teams represented 140 organizations. The teams comprised experienced data scientists, business analysts, marketing experts, industrial professionals and students.

The Telekom Srbije team focused on better use of office space. Its project team collected and analysed data from IoT devices in various offices, including information about temperature, humidity, carbon-dioxide levels and volatile organic compounds. Using SAS Viya, the team optimized power consumption, at the same time ensuring a more comfortable and healthier working environment for employees.

“As the major national operator and a socially responsible company, Telekom Srbija is committed to the prevention, control and reduction of all forms of environmental pollution and a sustainable use of natural resources. With this in mind, for the SAS hekaton, we decided to develop a solution which will contribute to environmental sustainability, more efficient use of natural resources and better conditions for our employees. We are truly happy that the jury has recognized the importance of the project in a very keen competition between teams from across the world”, said Natali Delić, the chief officer for strategy and digital.

Working with a SAS mentor, each team used ® Viya – the SAS cloud AI and analytical platform – along with the other SAS software, partner technologies and open source tools.

“I am proud that this year the winners come from Serbia, whereby we once again demonstrated how innovative and skillful our experts winning international awards are. Analytics and artificial intelligence may assist in problem-solving, not only in the sphere of business, and they also contribute to the preservation of the environment and create a better future for the generations to come”, said Rosanda Milatović Skorić, regional manager of SAS Srbija.

More than 100 expert judges selected regional, industrial, technological and special winners. For more about the winning teams, please visit the SAS Hacker’s Hub community. The video with which Telekom Srbija presented itself to the jury is available here.