Born in the town of Berane, Montenegro in 1980. He graduated from the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, University of Montenegro, with a major in Mathematics and Computer Science, and completed his Executive MBA studies at Cotrugli Business School.
Ratko Drobnjak has a strong programming and Telecommunication background. His professional career began, as a student, with Telekom Montenegro (T-Com) in 2002, where he was promoted to Head of Internet Services in 2005.
He joined the Telekom Srbija group in 2007 as Head of the IT Support and Advanced VAS Platforms in Mtel d.o.o Montenegro, where also served as ICT and Billing Manager. In 2015, he was appointed as Chief Technology Officer at Mtel Global, and in 2019, he was assigned as the Chief Information Officer at Supernova Srbija.
As of March 2021, Mr. Ratko Drobnjak serves as the Chief Executive Officer of MTS Sistemi I Integracije.